
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Small Groups of Committed People

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.

It is a wonderful, inspirational sentiment. Indeed, it has helped inspire me to take action, to continue down difficult paths, to join with like minds, and more. Precisely, I imagine, what Margaret Mead had in mind. On the surface, it seems to promote change on the grand (world) scale, but I often see it quoted in far more local applications. Perhaps less of what Ms. Mead had in mind, but, if it causes folks to take action for causes in which they believe, then so much the better.

But here’s an interesting twist: What happens when two or more groups all believe themselves to be the “small group of thoughtful, committed people” within a single organization, or arguing different aspects of a single issue.

Hmmmmm…. I don’t propose any particular answer but more pose the question and wonder if anyone has insightful anecdotes to share whether they be filled with wisdom, humour, or strife. From an administrative point of view, such a conundrum happens fairly frequently I suspect, and, in my case, is happening currently. Perhaps I'll end this post with another quote from Ms. Mead that might lend a little bit of insight into a possible answer:

"If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place."

Comments are open.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

Some years ago, someone introduced me to Bruce Mau’s Incomplete Manifesto for Growth. It’s a remarkable document, almost 10 years old, and something I return to time and time again for inspiration.

Here are the first ten of the fourty-three articles that make up the manifesto. While you can start here, I’d encourage everyone to go to Bruce’s website and read the whole article.

An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

1. Allow events to change you. You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them.

2. Forget about good. Good is a known quantity. Good is what we all agree on. Growth is not necessarily good. Growth is an exploration of unlit recesses that may or may not yield to our research. As long as you stick to good you'll never have real growth.

3. Process is more important than outcome. When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we've already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there.

4. Love your experiments (as you would an ugly child). Joy is the engine of growth. Exploit the liberty in casting your work as beautiful experiments, iterations, attempts, trials, and errors. Take the long view and allow yourself the fun of failure every day.

5. Go deep. The deeper you go the more likely you will discover something of value.

6. Capture accidents. The wrong answer is the right answer in search of a different question. Collect wrong answers as part of the process. Ask different questions.

7. Study. A studio is a place of study. Use the necessity of production as an excuse to study. Everyone will benefit.

8. Drift. Allow yourself to wander aimlessly. Explore adjacencies. Lack judgment. Postpone criticism.

9. Begin anywhere. John Cage tells us that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. His advice: begin anywhere.

10. Everyone is a leader. Growth happens. Whenever it does, allow it to emerge. Learn to follow when it makes sense. Let anyone lead.

…read the full manifesto here:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me....

Today is my 39th birthday. In other words, it marks the end of my 39th year on this planet and the beginning of my 40th.

According to the Globe and Mail if today is my birthday, and it is: “Jupiter, planet of excess, is strong on your birthday, so you will work harder and expect more, of yourself and of others, over the coming 12 months. However, if your body tells you it needs a break you must not ignore it. Plenty of short vacations throughout the year will keep you energized and engaged. “ Well, that sounds OK.

The Guardian (a PEI daily paper) tells me “You head down your own unique path this year, not wanting to be distracted. Though you might know what you want, others will challenge your ideas, direction, and commitment [so this year will be like last year?]. You will never get 100 per cent support for everything you do [no kidding]. This year is no exception […sigh, I was hoping it might be].”
Oh well.

July 18 is a rather auspicious day in history. The #1 single on the charts was Hugh Masekela’s “Grazing in the Grass”. You can watch it here (

On the day I was born the two-day Honolulu Conference begins in Honolulu, Hawaii between US President Lyndon B. Johnson and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. On my 1st birthday, after a party on Chappaquiddick Island, Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts drove an Oldsmobile off a wooden bridge into a tide-swept pond and his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, died.

In an odd twist, and no, we didn’t know this when we named him, July 18, 390 BC marked the Battle of the Allia - A Roman army is defeated by raiding Gauls, leading to the subsequent sacking of Rome. And the leader of the maurading Gauls? None other than Brennus, a chieftain of the Senones, a Celtic tribe of the Adriatic coast of Italy. Those who know us, know that Brennus is the name of our 19 month old. Keeping to July 18th, but about 400 years later, Rome began to burn. It appears that July 18th isn't the best day to have been a Roman. You can learn all about the last days of the Empire in the 1955 Looney Tunes “Roman Legion-Hare” here:

1968 was a year that, perhaps, exemplifies that time in our history: manned space flights, riots, shootings and deaths, countries gaining independence, all amidst the social climate of the late 60’s. Of course, the US was loosing and oversees war then too.

Well, as I move into this 4th decade of life, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve done and where I’ve been. Lived all over. Great wife, great kids. Lots of goals and lots more to do… You couldn’t beat the smile off my face with a stick.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Primary Colours

Well, the writ has been dropped and we all go to the polls on May 28th, 2007. This should make for an interesting few weeks and we’ll be busy trying to keep the arts on the agenda.

One thing for sure is the difference in the level of interest in the Council and our thoughts on the arts. Let’s face it, this will be a battle between the two main parties the Liberals and the Conservatives. Sure the Liberals are raring to go and open to any ideas that might gain a few more votes – as a result their ears are open.

The Council must be non-partisan, and we’ve made efforts to present our plans and ideas to both sides, but, I gotta tell you that there seems to be a difference in how that information is received. Am I seeing “red”, well, let’s just say I’m not seeing much “blue”.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Well, that was nice - Excerpt from Hansard April 26, 2007

Speaker: The hon. Member from Crapaud-Hazel Grove.

Ms. Bertram: Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I would also like to extend best wishes to all the students and teachers and their educational systems that are working hard on projects in the various schools across the province. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect the community to arts. Through the foundation and support to the Department of Education, it is providing wonderful opportunities to our children across the province from grade 1 to grade 12.

What’s also important, not only are we looking to the ArtsSmarts program, but we’re also looking towards supporting our initiatives in the schools and into the communities. The community 2006 consultations by the PEI Council of the Arts talks about opportunities for our youth and our communities and in the school system, and the professional nature of the arts and how - there are so many artisans in our various communities, urban and rural, in the province, but they’re getting older. We need to ensure that the next generation is taking on those artistic traits.

I think we need to certainly look at the consultations that the arts council did. Darren White, their executive director, does great work and does certainly - anything will support arts in Prince Edward Island. I hope that the minister will continue to support art opportunities in the schools.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

My brain hurts...

My brain hurts when I think of everything I ought to have posted but didn’t in the flurry of activity as the Council hit year end, the Board considered some proposals to go the membership, my annual performance review (went well, thank you) and, of course, preparations for the annual audit.

At any rate, it’s time to get back on the blog with my miscellaneous notes on this and that. More to come…

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Three Years In...

Today marks the end of my third year at the Council and the start of my fourth. According to some lists, that makes me the third longest serving ED in the Council’s history. Something of an achievement I suppose.

Being an “anniversary” it provides an opportunity to look back over these last three years and remark (to myself) on the changes and progress that’s been made. Are there some highlights you might ask? Sure, plenty, but the things I’m most happy with are not what you might expect. #1 Achievement – Stability. The Council has a Governance, is fiscally sound, and has a Strategic Plan (as of last night – April 01 is the date for the public release).

You just can’t build a thing on a foundation that is shaky or insufficiently strong as to support a growing structure. Now, on the cusp of my fourth year, I am satisfied that the work that needed to be done to build, or rebuild a solid foundation for this organization is largely complete. Sure, there are still some issues here and there, the Bylaws need an update. But on the whole, I’m happy. PEI and the PEI Council of the Arts has provided me with a challenging, and rewarding three years, and I’m looking forward to a few more.

Friday, March 9, 2007

So Close

This Tuesday evening, our Board of Directors will consider, for final approval, a strategic plan to govern our activities for the next three years. This comes, of course, after nearly a full year of “consultation”. Indeed, the Council is nearing the point where it must choose to respond, or face oblivion at the hands of irrelevance.

While undertaking such extensive consultation is wearing on staff and resources, I can’t dismiss the value of the results. I also must remark on the subsidiary value of making the process so open and comprehensive.

To be as inclusive as possible, and for those who may not know what we did, we:

  • Conducted 14 community consultations open the members, the arts community, and the general public
  • Consulted approximately 1/3 of the Islands MLAs
  • Invited by letter direct submissions from our membership
  • Consulted with the relevant staff of the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs
  • Consulted with each of the four active regional arts councils

Considering that this is an Island of less than 140,000 people on about 2000 square kilometers (Greater Toronto covers about 7000 km2) that’s a pretty extensive set of meetings.

I have no doubt that any new plan that departs from the status quo for us will garner its fair share of detractors. We understood that even before we began, and that had a great deal to do with the depth of the process – the times and mechanisms for input were many and often.

Now, we’re on the threshold of building support for the plan. How best to do that? Online tools make it easy but can lack credibility for “traditional” recipients. E-petitions are gaining in use and popularity. We’ve considered a perforated, postage paid, post card included in the Strategic Plan itself – that’s a costly option. We know that real letters and direct phone calls have the greatest impact, but I’m never convinced that people follow through.

Assuming that you would support that plan, what could we do that would most inspire you to take action? How can we make it easy enough for you that you would do it? Write me and tell me.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

From Red Tape to Clear Results

The Report of the Independent Blue Ribbon Panel on Grant and Contribution Programs

This report should be of great interest to anyone in the arts and culture, on either side of the funding table. While the report covers all types of programs delivered by the Federal Government, certain sections certainly rang true for me. I’d like to draw everyone’s attention to the General Recommendations section which states (on page viii of the complete report):

“The essence of our recommendations can be distilled into four simple proposals to government:

1) Respect the recipients—they are partners in a shared public purpose. Grant and contribution programs should be citizen-focussed. The programs should be made accessible, understandable and useable.
2) Dramatically simplify the reporting and accountability regime—it should reflect the circumstances and capacities of recipients and the real needs of the government and Parliament.
3) Encourage innovation—the goal of grant and contribution programs is not to eliminate errors but to achieve results, and that requires a sensible regime of risk management and performance reporting.
4) Organize information so that it serves recipients and program managers alike.”

There are a number of issues raised and solutions offered in this lengthy document (142 pages in the PDF file) but, for those of us in the funding business, all are worthy of consideration. When I consider that the need for multi-year funding was a consistent issue from Island arts organizations, I was struck by the relevance of this paragraph:

“The panel suspects that this practice of annual renewals is intended to add a level of control over multi-year projects. In the panel’s view, however, this approach is misguided. Where the project or activity to be funded is multi-year in nature, the funding profile should match it to the extent possible (at a minimum for a three-year duration).
This is subject of course to possible mid-course correction, but these considerations do not detract from the need to provide multi-year funding in these cases, as indeed several
departments do already.” – page 26

Further, regarding Core funding, the panel had this to say:


15) The Treasury Board should encourage funding departments and agencies to revisit the issue of whether and under what circumstances core funding is warranted to supplement project-specific funding.” – page 28

Given that a heightened advocacy role is a likely priority in the upcoming strategic plan, this document provides and excellent base of knowledge, from an impeccable panel, that is in support of some important goals.

If you’d like to read the full report, you can enter the Blue Ribbon Panel’s website here:

Follow the left sidebar link to “Report” and you’ll find the links to the PDF reports at the bottom of the page.

While these recommendations were intended for the Federal government, I think all funders, in all sectors, can find useable, implementable recommendations to put in to practice.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

CEO's role in leading transformation

Last weeks McKinsey Quarterly held an interesting article on the role of the CEO (or Executive Director) in leading an organizational transformation.

The McKinsey Quarterly is the business journal of the global management-consulting firm McKinsey & Company, and while focused on “business” often has a number of relevant articles on governance, leadership, and the like.

In this article, the authors suggest four key functions that collectively define a successful role for the CEO in a transformation. They are:

1. Making the transformation meaningful. People will go to extraordinary lengths for causes they believe in, and a powerful transformation story will create and reinforce their commitment. The ultimate impact of the story depends on the CEO’s willingness to make the transformation personal, to engage others openly, and to spot- light successes as they emerge.
2. Role-modeling desired mind-sets and behavior. Successful CEOs typically embark on their own personal transformation journey. Their actions encourage employees to support and practice the new types of behavior.
3. Building a strong and committed top team. To harness the transformative power of the top team, CEOs must make tough decisions about who has the ability and motivation to make the journey.
4. Relentlessly pursuing impact. There is no substitute for CEOs rolling up their sleeves and getting personally involved when significant financial and symbolic value is at stake.

In our case, that is in arts and culture on Prince Edward Island, your “top team” might be volunteer, and your “employees” may range from zero, to three, to twenty; nevertheless, the functions above do outline what a leader in an organization undergoing great change might do to facilitate that change.

Of course, in arts and culture, it may seem that we are always undergoing great change, reacting the numerous forces external to our organizations – and if so, the above points a great place to start in organizing our activities as the top employees in our organizations.

For our purposes here at the Council, it’s point number one that is most relevant. According to these authors, it falls upon me to create the powerful story that will engage people and inspire them to go to extraordinary lengths for us.

Here goes: “Once upon a time there was a poor little council that had very little resources…

You can find the complete article here:

(you’ll need to create a free account to read it).

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Strategic Plan Update

Some folks have been asking where we are on the Strategic Plan. Here’s an update:

As you know, the public consultations wrapped and the report was released two weeks ago. Since then, we’ve handed out at least 20 printed copies, and 46 copies have been downloaded from our website. It seems to be having an impact and has sparked several conversations. We then had, by teleconference, an initial consultation with some of the Islands arts organizations. We followed that with the first three of four consultations with the Islands regional arts councils, and will have the last on Monday with the South Shore Regional Arts Council in Crapaud. We have a consultation scheduled with the staff of the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs, Culture and Heritage section coming up shortly, and the MLA consultations are ongoing.

We have an early, early draft of the Strategic Plan, but, given that there are a number of more meetings to go, its not much more than a framework. However, the “Next Steps” section of the Community Consultations Report will inform the report greatly.

There’s plenty of time for input, so, if you missed the other opportunities, please feel free to contact us and send in your comments.

Talking about the Arts

Today, on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos”, Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee (R) was speaking about the importance of the arts in terms of “music and the arts in the curriculum” and “developing the both left and right sides of the brain”.

Now, there are things about Governor Huckabee platformthat I’m not fond of, we differ on some issues, but I’m not American, I don’t live in Arkansas, and we’ll probably never have a conversation in my whole entire life so I won’t dwell on those - but it absolutely blew me away that he brought up the arts at all – Republican (read “conservative”) presidential candidate. This led me to consider the impending provincial and national elections (both not yet announced). Who’s talking about the arts (in politics)? Provincially, nobody. Nationally, nobody. I stand ready to be corrected.

This only serves to point out that politicians speak to and take action on the issues that they perceive to be issues, the issues their constituents believe to be issues, and the issues that are made to be issues by interest groups etc. Case in point. The Environment. It’s not as if the environment took a sudden turn for the worse in the last few months. And yet, the environment has become a top issue – to the point where the federal Conservatives have launched a set of attack ads on the federal Liberals on that very topic. So what changed? Perception.

How does this matter to the arts? How does this matter here? Perception. Want something to be an issue – make it an issue. If we want the arts to be an issue, we must make it an issue. How? Phone, fax, emails, letters and conversations. I received an invitation from my MLA Richard Brown, asking for my input on his platform. I’ll write back, and stress the arts, and arts funding, in my letter. According to the stats on this blog, there are a hundred or so Island readers who, I assume, have some affinity for the arts. One hundred letters, or calls, emails, faxes, or other conversations, can have a difference. Who is your MLA? Check here, or, here.

Friday, February 2, 2007

…and I’ll also miss Suzuki

As if to add insult to injury, this strep throat will also mean I miss the chance to speak for a few minutes as Dr. David Suzuki’s “If YOU were Prime Minister” event this weekend.

David Suzuki was a childhood hero of sorts to me. The Nature of Things was a staple in our household and much of my love for the outdoors was fostered there then encouraged by my parents. Can there be a better way to spend a warm summer day than out in the wood flipping old logs in a search for red spotted newts? I was really looking forward to meeting him.

Event wise, I’d been writing my short speech for about two weeks. The speech itself focused on how experiences in the arts, particularly as children, lead to deeper understandings of our physical world. These understandings help to inform our adult imaginations and our ability to consider the environment in past, current, and future tenses, but also allow greater freedom in also imagining future consequences and solutions. These skills, when fostered in a generation of children, cannot but help to make for a better world.

Perhaps I’ll finish the speech anyway, and post it here for anyone who might have been interested to here it at UPEI on Saturday.

Breaks will be enforced…

The “dragging” feeling that has persisted through the week has, it turns out, its root in a case of strep throat. So, penicillin in hand, here’s a brief update on the week whilst I recuperate in the company of my 1 and 3 and a half year old children.

The week began with my MLA consultation with Premier Binns in his constituency office out in Monatgue. The Premier did answer my questions – so the goals was met. I don’t really know how to comment on the meeting itself. I suppose I’d hoped for more engagement and the meeting was rather low-key. Perhaps the meeting was informed by the impending release of the Conflict of Interest Commissioners report.

The highlight of the week was a meeting with the Southern Kings Arts Council, one of the provincial regional arts councils. The group of five met with Barb Wynne and I. The meeting was very engaging, full of open dialogue, some professional difference of opinion, and, all-in-all, great.

Certainly, I left the room quite enthused. The more of the conversations we have, the more connections we make, the more hope I have for the future and for growing collaborations. Barb will has summarized that meeting with the following points:

  • The Prince Edward Island Council of the Arts could work to improve linkages between arts and culture, and other sectors, in particular with the tourism sector.
  • The province is in need of an inventory, or an ‘inventory of inventories’, of arts and culture organizations to build connections, networks and opportunities for collaboration.
  • The opportunity exists to increase publicity of Southern King’s cultural events such as the Montague High School drama productions, through the Island Arts Newsletter, a free weekly electronic publication.
  • The Southern Kings region needs adequate spaces for art to happen, particularly the visual arts which require adequate space and lighting. Combined venues and adequate facilities do not currently exist in the region and the Southern Kings Arts Council is having difficulty finding an appropriate space for the Spring Festival.
  • To increase understanding of the peer assessment review process used in the Prince Edward Island Council of the Arts grant adjudication, the Southern Kings Arts Council was invited to have an observer at the next adjudication.

We’ll be, formally, sening these points back to the SKAC in a letter for their review and comment. With two regional arts council’s left, we’re nearing the end of this faze of the pre-plan consultations and we’re pretty pleased with the level of cooperation and honest sharing we’ve seen. I look forward to the report on these consultations as much as I did the public set.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

An hour with the Provincial Treasurer

Freshly back from the Treasury’s public consultations, I thought I’d reflect on the event for a while. The consultation was cordial and friendly, and far more engaged than perhaps I’d hoped for. Certainly, there are some bright minds at that table, and there was no need to elaborate or belabor a point once the point was made.

The sad fact remains that we are funded at a remarkably low level. To illustrate, using 2005/2006 figures, the investment in the Council from the Province is at $1.72 per capita. In sheer dollar amounts we would obviously fall to the bottom of the pack. But we needn't be there as well in a per capita comparison. There is one peer agency below us, ArtsNB at $1.52 per capita. Yet, as I pointed out, the economies of scale begin to play a role. Despite global administration costs at about 1/3 of their total allocations, ArtsNB still has about $750,000.00 of their $1.1 Million dollar budget to spread across the Province of New Brunswick. I don’t need to tell you, I’m sure, how the same economy of scale affects the PEICA but I will point out that our entire allocation is $238,000. You can do the math.

While keeping the language in terms and comparisons familiar to economists I think some good points were raised and taken – including this per capita problem. I did demonstrate the obvious impact that this has and discussed how, given the situation, we are providing a level of service and programs far, far, below our peer agencies.

My main goal was to illustrate how a rather modest additional investment could have a profound impact – again due to the economy of scale. With our current per capita investment of $1.72 we are at 0.38 of the national provincial average ($4.47 average per capita allocation among the provinces - don’t get me started on those three territories). My request was to bring the PEICA to 0.67 of that average, an even $3.00 per capita by 2010 (that's an increase of about $58,900.00 per year in each year). I also pointed out that at that time, given NLAC’s tripling of their allocations, we would, once again, likely be low on the list.

I should add that there was real interest around the table in looking at, and addressing, the demographic problems the Island is facing, both in the arts and generally, and I was glad to know that we weren’t starting from zero on that matter. In short, I think we were well understood, but I don’t know where we’ll rank at the end of the day and when Cabinet meets to discuss these and all the other matters raised.

So now, we’ve met with the Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, we’ve presented to the Treasury Boards public consultations, and I’m sitting down with the Premier on Monday morning in his riding office. What’s left? Advocacy.

That's where you come in, so contact us.

A better understanding

To say that relations between the West Prince Arts Council (one of the Provinces regional arts councils) and the PEICA have been contentious in past would be a mammoth understatement. In service of finding common ground, we’ve made a number of trips to the western end of the Island and, we are making progress.

A bone of contention is the lack of investment that they see, from us, in their region. It is an issue and we’ve been struggling to find ways to address is. Of course, in our defense, we receive very few applications from that area, in, in their defense, they submit very few applications due to a perception that all the money goes to Charlottetown.

We’re not alone in this problem. Canada is such that we have urban centres (where artists tend to congregate) and rural areas, where there are certainly highly skilled artists, just a lot less of them per square kilometer. Our peer Council's all face similar criticism whether they be Newfoundland or Manitoba.

Out of our last meeting came a better understanding on their part, I believe, of what are existing programs are intended to do, and a better understanding, on our part, that we need both programmatic changes to ensure or increase investment into the region, and training.

For any artist who wishes to pursue public funds through grants, there are skills to be learned. Among those skills is grant writing, public presentations, engaging in critical dialogue and more. Where we can help (now) is in the grant writing. And so, beginning last fall, we went on the road with ½ day sessions across the Island. Clearly, we need to expand this effort, and partner with the WPAC to ensure that we reach the artists we need to reach in that region. As I ended the conversation at that meeting, the only thing preventing this from working is our [shared] commitment to make it work. I believe that WPAC is willing to commit to this and, while it may be slow, I think we'll see some improvement in years to come.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Communities, Arts and Schools

We met today with two of the Province’s Regional Arts Council’s. Despite the provinces small size, there are several regional arts council’s in addition to the PEICA. While I found this a little odd upon my arrival here, I have come to understand their great value in a province that is very regional in its psyche.

Take, for example, the Le Comité culturel de la Région Évangéline, based out of Abrams Village. Within that community, they are clearly a driving force. Not only do they conduct a small granting program through a provincial allocation, they also support a great deal of community activity with workshops, showcases, and other events. Through these activities, the community retains its identity and important interpersonal bonds. Our trip there also served to illustrate what may be a cultural difference in the inclusion of the cultural community into the school system. Indeed, there is a great deal of integration and the school acts somewhat as a community or cultural centre.

Not so in the English school system where the schools, while not closed to extracurricular activities, do not seem to be as integrated as in the previous example (there are, of course, any number of examples to refute this claim but there is a noticable difference). Other, non school activities become an “add-on” more than a “part-of”. I believe that’s an important distinction. As we have identified that “Arts in Education” is a likely priority coming out of the public consultations it seems that a first step might be looking at increasing the level of integration modeling the relationship after that in the French school board and most notable at l'École Évangéline and the Carrefour de l'Isle-Saint-Jean which regularly hosts cultural events in both English and French.

It should also be noted that it is the French school board (La Commission scolaire de langue française de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard) that plays the role of organizational host to the provinces ArtsSmarts/GenieArts program. All in all, there is much room to grow in the realm of arts integration and education and in community integration and participation, and the French school board looks like its already providing some excellent examples.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Consultation Report now available

Throughout the autumn of 2006 the PEICA held a series of public consultations across Prince Edward Island. The report on these consultations is now available for download.

The PEICA is committed to responding to the community whose input has been so valuable. This report and its findings will greatly inform our 2007 – 2010 Strategic Plan now in development. We welcome comments on this report, and interested members of the community can submit their feed back my mail or email using the information on our contact page.

Most interesting was the consistency in the messages we heard. Certainly, different groups in different areas brought distinct issues to the table, as they should; however, the degree to which the “top issues” remained top issues across the Island was refreshingly regular.

In the “Next Steps” section, you will find our distillation of the results and some projections on how we might respond. These are already in the hands of the Strategic Planning Committee and will form the basis of the new plan along with the results from our Arts Organization discussions, and the collected concerns of the Regional Arts Councils.

Get the report here, and comment, if you wish either by email or below in the comments section.

Arts Organizations Teleconference

Earlier today we held a teleconference with some of the Islands Arts Organizations. Attending were the senior staff of eleven of the some of important organizations that dot the Island.

The conversation was engaging, free flowing, and very insightful. I was glad to have the chance to start an independent dialogue with these people and their respective organizations, and I hope that more join in.

The “agenda” was based on our need to determine what the issues are and what role we can play in addressing those issues. The three agenda topics for discussion were:

  • As an Island Arts and Culture organization, what challenges, do you face for success and sustainability?
  • What changes would you make to the current arts and culture infrastructure and supports?
  • How does the current funding model meet your needs as an arts and culture organizations?

From this discussion, some main points arose. In the area of challenges, we identified the following:

  • General lack of funding
  • No long term funding (year to year scramble, have to reconfigure programs each year to meet funding requirements) Having to justify the value of arts and culture funding (in terms of return on investment and making the intrinsic value resonate with public and funders)
  • Funding programs are not aligned with arts organizations’ programs (decisions made too late in the year, criteria too rigid, no core funding)
  • Nature of funding requests (a divided effort with too many small requests from various sources)
  • Human resources (hard to find seasonal professional staff)
  • A general arts grounding is lacking (e.g. arts in education, provincial museum, and volunteer supports)

And in terms of areas for change to improve the general situation:

  • Funding: access to secure, adequate multi year funding (eg. once a strategic plan is in place, funding should continue unless the organization deviates from the plan)
  • Collaboration amongst organizations: Plan an event to promote cohesion, develop connections and set priorities; open communication
  • Advocacy: One broad and unified message to articulate arts organizations’ needs to government; find new methods of evaluation, frame an argument that resonates
  • Public engagement: arts awareness campaign, motivate the public to mobilize their elected officials; mentorship model to engage youth and family

Considering that we’d never spoken together as a group, it was remarkable how collegial and flowing the discussion was, and the degree of agreement on these issues. To further prioritize the results, we prepared an online survey for the participants to use.

As everyone agreed that the conversation needs to continue, we’ll be looking at a face to face meeting in the near future, winter weather notwithstanding. If you missed this conversation, and want to be a part of the next one, please get in touch.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Meeting with the Minister

Today I met with the Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, Elmer MacFadyen, the Deputy Minister Ron MacMillan, and the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries, Harry Holman.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the meeting was the level of engagement from the Minister. While I am sure he was thoroughly briefed in advance, there is little doubt that this level of engagement is a stark improvement from past meetings.

I’d like to think that part of the change is due to the increasingly collaborative stance that we are taking, and part of it due to the degree of organizational change that has occurred over the past few years. It is easy to be dismissive of an organization that is unsound or troubled; harder to be dismissive of an organization that is growing and thriving.

What is clear to me is that the Department was interested in our Community Consultations and the report (to be released Friday) and is supportive of our activities. The question remains – how much of that support can be converted from good-will to dollars. Ultimately, an increased investment will lead to the programs so desperately needed by the Islands arts community - and as articulated in the report.

Towards the end of the meeting, we had the opportunity to table a project we’d been working on independently, for a training and export mission(s) for Visual Arts. For this projects funding, we’d been seeking support from Foreign Affairs, PEI Business Development, and ACOA - not Community and Cultural Affairs. It was noted at the meeting that, ideally, funds for the project should come from CCA, but those funds apparently do not exist. Indeed, the Minister did offer to advocate for the project where and when possible.

The meeting ended cordially, and had been friendly throughout. The Minister made statements to the effect that there was little money available. We made statements to the effect of our intention to make the case, and ask for some, nonetheless.

So, at the end of the day, are we poorly funded by a Ministry that is poorly funded (at least in the culture components)? Perhaps yes. If so, all the more reason to continue to reach out to the community and to government at all levels.

Legislators and Advocacy

Taking the lead from Montana and as mentioned in Rand's "The Arts and State Governments: At Arm's Length or Arm in Arm?", we've been booking meetings with the Island's Members of the Legislative Assemble (or MLAs).

By and large, simply trying to book the meeting seems to be an element of consternation, and, no wonder. How long has it been since our organization engaged their organization - particularly on a one-to-one level? More disconcerting for them, I suspect, it that my hand is not out for dollars.

What is clear from the meetings to-date is that their concerns are largely identical, the value they place on their communities is identical, and their reasons for going into public service are identical. Indeed, regardless of political stripe, their fundamental concerns for population, community health and growth, for their constituents remains consistent.

This, most definitely, works to our advantage, as we can be, with effort and commitment, equally consistent with messages going “in” – and ensure those messages come from constituents who are equally concerned with population, community health and growth, and who are concerned for their neighbors AND who can articulate the role that the arts play in these issues.

Our task will be finding a way to provide leadership in engaging, and motivating the members of the arts and culture community to act at this level in an informed and consistent manner.

In service of that goal and our desire to be better engaged with the arts community ourselves, we’re also continuing along on our consultations with Arts Organizations and with the Island’s Regional Arts Council’s.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Beginning the dialogue

Discussions in the office this morning have centered on making the best case to Government in our upcoming presentation to the Treasury Board. While we, on this side of the table, believe in the value and power of the arts that is not necessarily true on the other side of the table, at least not in the same way.

I’ve begun meeting with all of the Islands MLAs, some of whom are proving tricky to track down. From the first four meetings (Olive Crane, Minister Bagnall – Fisheries, Wayne Collins, and Minister Shea- Transportation and Public Works). By and large, there is a recognition that arts and culture play a role in their communities, a role that is tightly bound to community identity. If that proves consistent, I and expect it will among the remaining 23 members, the question I have is whether or not ,in the context of a Treasury Board consultation, this notion will be meaningful.

My fear is that, in the Treasury Board will be so used to hearing instrumental arguments (invest x$ is us and we’ll generate x$ times 3 in output) that the stage will not be receptive the true nature of our case. And while we can produce economic figures (as in the report “Economic Contribution of Culture to P.E.I.”) which may help assuage concerns, I don’t want to tie any increased investment in the Council to predictions of output that we are poorly equipped to measure and prove and when the real benefits may be largely immeasurable.

What would help both now and in the future, would be for all of us for whom arts and culture are important features of our communities, to regularly engage our elected officials in conversations about the role of arts and culture in our communities. Make it a regular conversation, so that the topic becomes as comfortable as sport or health or economic development. As far as I’m concerned, it ranks right up there, and impacts all three.

Whether we understand each other well or not, on January 25th, the Treasury Board will at least gain an introduction into the world of public arts funding, and have a better understanding of what we do and why.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Value of the Arts

I’ve been reading a lot about the value of the arts, or, more precisely, the variety of ways to look at that value, to express that value, and the different ways that different groups look at valuing the arts.

Here at the Council, we are in the middle of wrapping up consultations, and formulating our new Strategic Plan. The fact remains that, in order to be meaningful, the plan needs to have appeal to three distinct groups who value arts and culture in three different ways.

John Holden (with Demos, a UK based think tank) illustrates the problem quite clearly in his pamphlet Cultural Value and the Crisis of Legitimacy. I do this job because of my belief in the intrinsic value of the arts but need to ensure that the organization has institutional value for its own sake, and for continued support from the “public” who have their own ideas about the intrinsic value. Yet, I find myself talking in instrumental value terminology to the elected officials who make decisions on our funding. John makes some interesting observations and I'm happy to see that some of his conclusions are reflected in some of the activities we've undertaken.

We have a long road ahead of us, but I can't help but feel we're gaining a little bit of momentum.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Where are we now?

The Strategic Planning Committee (Michael Stanley, Rilla Marshall, Annette Campbell, and me) met today to review the report on our public consultations (publicly available as soon as I review it with the Board). There are some pretty clear themes arising and they relate to community, services for artists, and the role of arts in education. Hardly surprising results, but important to have gathered and confirmed.

This topic of community is very interesting as it opens new doors for the Council within the existing mandate. There are so many interesting examples of community arts programs that have had remarkable impacts. We have the DVD from BC’s Documenting Engagement project that is positively inspiring. Feel free to drop in and view it here at the office.

We’d already started looking into expanded services for artists, first in our grant programs, and then in other programming, such as a pilot for export readiness that we’re in discussions on at present. In that light, it was encouraging to see that supported in the consultations.

Lastly, in Arts Education, the need for work in this area is becoming more and more evident. The trick here, as I see it, will be in hammering out a partnership with the Department of Education, assuming, of course, we can adequately illustrate the need for the partnership. Good thing is, we’ve got the consultation to support that, and we’ve also go the recently completed “Arts and Learning Environmental Scan”. While this document is an internal Canadian Public Arts Funders (CPAF) study (not for public release) the Council can use the data and findings, and we can share the official CPAF response. We’ll be meeting next Monday to determine how and when we will share this document, and I’ll have it on our website as soon as the release is agreed.

We'll also post the complete public consultation report on our website shortly(now available here), and we’ll be touring the province once again with the Strategic Plan, in draft, in the next month or so. Stay abreast of this information by subscribing to our newsletter.