
Friday, January 19, 2007

Consultation Report now available

Throughout the autumn of 2006 the PEICA held a series of public consultations across Prince Edward Island. The report on these consultations is now available for download.

The PEICA is committed to responding to the community whose input has been so valuable. This report and its findings will greatly inform our 2007 – 2010 Strategic Plan now in development. We welcome comments on this report, and interested members of the community can submit their feed back my mail or email using the information on our contact page.

Most interesting was the consistency in the messages we heard. Certainly, different groups in different areas brought distinct issues to the table, as they should; however, the degree to which the “top issues” remained top issues across the Island was refreshingly regular.

In the “Next Steps” section, you will find our distillation of the results and some projections on how we might respond. These are already in the hands of the Strategic Planning Committee and will form the basis of the new plan along with the results from our Arts Organization discussions, and the collected concerns of the Regional Arts Councils.

Get the report here, and comment, if you wish either by email or below in the comments section.